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On serendipitous synergy in science Cross-disciplinary efforts offer hope that neurological diseases can be treated more effectivelyCUHK19 Jun 24

Event Highlight | The 10th Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition 2024 (31 May – 1 Jun 2024)

( English only )

CUHK develops novel retrievable nanorobots for targeted and enhanced thrombolysis potentially saving stroke patients from brain damage  ( English only )CUHK News Center2 Apr 24
CUHK develops novel retrievable nanorobots for targeted and enhanced thrombolysis potentially saving stroke patients from brain damage Faculty of Medicine, CUHK2 Apr 24
中大研以新型納米機械人疏通中風患者腦部血管 溶栓速度較傳統快至少5倍 ( Chinese only )TVB News2 Apr 24
中大研發新型奈米機械人類溶栓速度快5至20倍 可望減少中風患者腦損傷 ( Chinese only )Sing Tao2 Apr 24
奈米機械人可入人體助溶血栓治中風 中大表示療效快傳統治療20倍 ( Chinese only )on.cc2 Apr 24
中大納米機械人治中風 較傳統療法快見效 (Chinese only)Now TV2 Apr 24
CUHK and HKU jointly develop a potential new treatment for brain tumours and Parkinson’s diseaseCUHK News Center5 Feb 24
Faculty of Medicine, CUHK,  40th Anniversary Publication  ( English only )Faculty of Medicine, CUHK25 Jan 24
康諾思騰完成新一輪8億元融資,加速高品質中國手術機器人走向全球 (Chinese only)SINA30 Jun 23
身體最誠實 (Video in Cantonese only)TVB28 Jun 23
重塑腸道微生態或可緩解新冠后遺症,微生物療法將迎爆發期 (Chinese only)East Money12 Jun 23
重塑腸道微生態或可緩解新冠后遺症,微生物療法將迎爆發期 (Chinese only)Southern Finance12 Jun 23
重塑腸道微生態或可緩解新冠后遺症,微生物療法將迎爆發期 (Chinese only)Stockstar12 Jun 23
重塑腸道微生態或可緩解新冠后遺症,微生物療法將迎爆發期 (Chinese only)21st Century Business12 Jun 23
探訪香港尖端科技:“創新是推動我們前進的引擎” (Chinese only)Stockstar11 Jun 23
走访香港前沿科技:“创新是推动我们向前的引擎“ (Chinese only)21st Century Business11 Jun 23
走訪香港前沿科技:“創新是推動我們向前的引擎“ (Chinese only)SOHU11 Jun 23
走訪香港前沿科技:“創新是推動我們向前的引擎“ (Chinese only)Southern Finance11 Jun 23
走訪香港前沿科技:“創新是推動我們向前的引擎“ (Chinese only)Hithink RoyalFlush 11 Jun 23
走訪香港前沿科技:“創新是推動我們向前的引擎"  (Chinese only)East Money11 Jun 23
배 위에서 움직이는 로봇팔로 내시경 자유자재로 조종(Korean only)Dong-A Science9 Jun 23
廣東省委常委、王曦副省長率團訪問中大 (Chinese only)CUHK News Centre19 Apr 23
中大手術機械人效果好 研發者稱短期內與內地醫院合作 (Chinese only)RTHK HK19 Apr 23
增準度減術時 中大研發手術機械人目標明年中內地應用 (Chinese only)Ming Pao19 Apr 23
中大醫學院副院長稱夏寶龍參觀科學園很了解機械人技術 (Chinese only)RTHK HK18 Apr 23
夏寶龍昨到訪InnoHK醫療機械人創新技術中心 團隊引述夏寄語「為病人帶來福音」(Chinese only)Ming Pao18 Apr 23
夏寶龍考察科學園科大:冀全港共同努力 速建國際創科中心 (Chinese only)Wen Wei Po18 Apr 23
國務院港澳辦主任夏寶龍訪問中大醫療機械人創新技術中心  (Chinese only)CUHK News Centre17 Apr 23
夏寶龍考察香港|科學園操作手術機械人讚口不絕 晚上乘船遊維港  (Chinese only)HK0117 Apr 23
【香港政情】孫東:夏寶龍冀香港加速建立成為國際創新科技中心  (Chinese only)Anue 17 Apr 23
夏寶龍訪港︱參觀科學園 孫東:夏寶龍冀加速建立香港國際科技中心 (Chinese only)Sing Tao Daily17 Apr 23
夏寶龍下午先後到訪科學園及科技大學 (Chinese only)Commercial Radio Hong Kong17 Apr 23
夏寶龍訪港︱參觀科學園 孫東:夏寶龍冀加速建立香港國際科技中心 (Chinese only)Sing Tao17 Apr 23

創科新里程 II 機械•仁醫 (Chinese only)

RTHK HK11 Feb 2023
中大機械人無損痛治中耳炎 (Chinese only)Bastille Post28 Oct 2022
中大研發磁控微機械人 助治中耳炎 (Chinese only)Sky Post28 Oct 2022
中大微型機械人 助清中耳菌膜 (Chinese only)Ming Pao28 Oct 2022
中大機械人無損痛治中耳炎 (Chinese only)Headline Daily28 Oct 2022
中大研發 磁控螺旋微型機械人 助殺滅中耳導管菌膜 (Chinese only)Oriental Daily28 Oct 2022
清除中耳導管菌膜 磁控螺旋微機械人 (Chinese only)am73028 Oct 2022
中大研發微機械人 助小童清耳菌治中耳炎 (Chinese only)Ta Kung Pao28 Oct 2022
Giant feat in microrobot-aided treatmentThe Standard28 Oct 2022
[Back Chat] CUHK study (Timecode: 15:06)RTHK28 Oct 2022
CUHK develops a novel magnetic helical microrobot with endoscope-assisted delivery for biofilm eradication in ear tubesCUHK Faculty of Medicine27 Oct 2022
CUHK develops a novel magnetic helical microrobot with endoscope-assisted delivery for biofilm eradication in ear tubesCUHK27 Oct 2022
【中耳炎治療】中大跨學科團隊研「螺旋微機械人」 助患者解決菌膜塞導管免致感染 (Chinese only)Urbanlife Health27 Oct 2022
【科研突破】中大創新研發磁控微機械人療法 遙距無痛損治療中耳炎、清除菌膜 (Chinese only)Medical Inspire27 Oct 2022
中大研發微機械人治療中耳炎 (Chinese only)The Epoch Times27 Oct 2022
【創新科研】中大開發磁控螺旋微機械人 助治療中耳導管菌膜感染 (Chinese only)TOPick27 Oct 2022
中大跨學科團隊研發「磁控螺旋微機械人」 治療中耳炎效果理想 (Chinese only)Sing Tao Daily27 Oct 2022
中大研微型機清潔耳導管 可免卻繁複手術並且更安全 (Chinese only)HK0127 Oct 2022
中大開發「磁控螺旋微機械人」 治療中耳炎患者中耳導管菌膜感染 (Chinese only)TVB News27 Oct 2022
中大研發機械人治療中耳炎患者 (Chinese only)Now News27 Oct 2022
中耳積水|中耳炎患者菌膜塞導管致感染 中大研磁控螺旋微機械人治療 (Chinese only)Sky Post27 Oct 2022
中大跨學科團隊研發「磁控螺旋微機械人」 治療中耳炎效果理想 (Chinese only)Headline Daily27 Oct 2022

中大開發 磁力導航微創內窺鏡 (Chinese only)

Oriental Daily15 Oct 2022
中大研磁導航微創內窺鏡 冀推普通診所使用 (Chinese only)Wen Wei Po15 Oct 2022
中大新款內窺鏡 毋須麻醉速溶血栓 (Chinese only)Ming Pao15 Oct 2022
中大新發明:磁力內窺鏡 照胃免麻醉 (Chinese only)Ta Kung Pao15 Oct 2022
CU Medicine and HKSTP join hands to organise Healthcare Innovation and Technology Summit, showcasing Hong Kong’s translational research successCUHK News Centre14 Oct 2022
中大醫學院與香港科技園合辦醫療創科峰會 展示本港轉化研究成果 (Chineses only)HKCD14 Oct 2022
香港辦醫療創科峰會 近500行業精英交流 (Chineses only)HKCNA14 Oct 2022
News at 7:30 - The World's Smallest Magnetically-Guided Endoscope (Timecode: 07:29)TVB Pearl 14 Oct 2022
中大夥外國院校研發磁力導航內窺鏡 管道較幼可達更深入位置 (Chinese only)TVB News14 Oct 2022

中大醫療創新及科技峰會 展出多項先進技術成果 (Chinese only)

on.cc14 Oct 2022

中大新研發磁力導航微創內窺鏡 較傳統體積細一半 (Chinese only)

881903.com14 Oct 2022
中大引進兩手術機械人 將用於內窺鏡、血栓治療 (Chinese only) i-Cable14 Oct 2022
【創新科研】中大開發磁控螺旋微機械人 助治療中耳導管菌膜感染 (Chinese only)HKET7 Oct 2022
MRC PamphletMRC-
瞄準內地市場 盼吸納更多人才 (Chinese only)Dun科造極22 Aug 2022
醫療機械人創新技術中心 研發診治早期腸癌肺癌機械人 (Chinese only)Dun科造極15 Aug 2022
Hong Kong should align regulations with mainland China to promote health technology in Greater Bay Area, experts say SCMP28 Jul 2022
Meet the Magnetic Slime Robot Used for the Human Digestive SystemCUHKJul 2022
7 top innovations President Xi Jinping saw at Hong Kong Science ParkSCMP2 Jul 2022
InnoHK創新研發平台助力 醫療機械人技術臨床應用(Chinese only)Ta Kung Pao15 Jun 2022
參觀醫療機械人創新技術中心 薛永恒:創科轉化醫療應用造福社會(Chinese only)Sing Tao Daily14 Jun 2022
S for IT visits Multi-Scale Medical Robotics CenterHKSAR Government14 Jun 2022
InnoHK平台 推動科研合作 (Chinese only)

Innovation and Technology Bureau HK

14 Jun 2022
AI微型機械人 自動導航進人體 (Chinese only)HKET30 May 2022
中大研新導航技術 機械人「結隊如蜂」 人體內避障送藥 (Chinese only)Ming Pao30 May 2022
中大研發 醫學微型機械人自主巡航 (Chinese only)Oriental Daily News30 May 2022
中大研機械人集群 體內自動導航治病 (Chinese only)Sing Tao Daily30 May 2022
中大開發AI微型機械人導航 (Chinese only)Ta Kung Pao30 May 2022
CUHK AI technology navigates microrobot swarm in complex environments inside human bodyCUHK in Focus29 May 2022
【創新科研】中大以人工智能為微型機械人添自動導航 助於複雜環境內自主遊走 (Chinese only)TOPick29 May 2022
InnoHK - Multi-Scale Medical Robotics CenterHKSAR GovernmentMay 2022
InnoHK Launch Ceremony concludes with great successHKSAR Government25 May 2022
Streamlining surgical robot developmentCUHK News Centre16 May 2022
What Are Soft Robots?CNN1 May 2022
【專訪】 中大「毒魔」般的史萊姆機械人 最新變形、再生、外太空使用、醫療應用曝光
(Chinese only)
Unwire.hk26 Apr 2022
Where to find a world of biotech opportunitiesBrand Hong Kong20 Jan 2022
亞洲首個手術機械人臨床前試驗基地 (Chinese only) Dec 2021
A healthier future with miniature robotsNature-
Six CUHK InnoHK Centres Combine World-Class Technologies and Cultivate I&T TalentsCUHK16 Dec 2021
中大進駐InnoHK 主力研AI醫療科技 (Chinese only)Bastille Post7 Dec 2021
創新科技|中大科學園設6實驗室 研發AI及醫療科技 (Chinese only)Sky Post6 Dec 2021
中大設六所研究中心 主力研發人工智能機械人及醫療科技 (Chinese only)TVB News 6 Dec 2021
Hong Kong’s Chinese University sets up 6 labs under umbrella of InnoHK to drive discoveries in range of areas, from nanobot surgery to automated logisticsSCMP6 Dec 2021
中大InnoHK創新技術中心實驗室 將兩手術儀器合為一 省時更精準 (Chinese only)HK016 Dec 2021
中大於科學園設6研究中心 成醫療機械人技術亞洲研究先驅 (Chinese only)on.cc6 Dec 2021
中大設6研究中心 發展機械人及醫療科技 (Chinese only)Wen Wei Po6 Dec 2021
中大於科學園設6研究中心 發展機械人及醫療科技 (Chinese only)  Dot Dot News6 Dec 2021
中大在科學園設6個研究中心 發展機械人及醫療科技 (Chinese only)881903.com6 Dec 2021
助力香港成為環球科創合作中心——香港中文大學科研中心巡禮 (Chinese only)www.ce.cn2 Dec 2021
助力香港成為環球科創合作中心——香港中文大學科研中心巡禮 (Chinese only)sznews.com2 Dec 2021
香港中文大學科研中心:助力香港成為環球科研合作中心 (Chinese only)ifeng.com2 Dec 2021
香港中文大学科研中心助力香港成为环球科研合作中心 (Chinese only)Xinhua News YouTube2 Dec 2021
香港中文大學科研中心:助力香港成為環球科研合作中心 (Chinese only)Xinhua News2 Dec 2021
(港澳台)助力香港成為環球科創合作中心——香港中文大學科研中心巡禮 (Chinese only)new.qq.com1 Dec 2021
助力香港成為環球科創合作中心——香港中文大學科研中心巡禮 (Chinese only)SINA Finance1 Dec 2021
助力香港成為環球科創合作中心——香港中文大學科研中心巡禮 (Chinese only)Chinanews.com1 Dec 2021
助力香港成為環球科創合作中心——香港中文大學科研中心巡禮 (Chinese only)Xinhua Net1 Dec 2021
達人教路:智能磁錨定內窺鏡 (中大外科學系副教授李崢、中大外科學系教授吳士衡) (Chinese only)RTHK7 Nov 2021
中大六所研究中心進駐InnoHK研發平台 涵蓋醫學AI等範疇 (Chinese only)Sing Tao Daily5 Nov 2021
【創新科技】中大6間研究中心進駐InnoHK轉化科研成果 涵蓋AI及生物醫學領域 (Chinese only)HKET5 Nov 2021
CUHK launches six InnoHK Centres to power the innovation agendaCUHK5 Nov 2021
AI guided magnetic endoscope gives surgeon uncluttered hands-free viewCUHK26 Oct 2021
智能磁錨定內窺鏡 減手術傷口省人手 (Chinese only)Ming Pao25 Oct 2021
全球腹腔微創手術每年約1300萬宗 (Chinese only)Ming Pao25 Oct 2021
Innovation and Technology Commission - InnoHK ClustersHKSAR GovernmentOct 2021
The Chief Executive's 2021 Policy Address on InnoHK (paragraph 62) HKSAR Government6 Oct 2021
CUHK deepening ties with world-leading institutes for transdisciplinary medical robotics researchCUHKMar 2019
Signing Ceremony for Transdisciplinary Medical Robotics Research Partnerships between CUHK and overseas institutesHKSAR Government31 Jan 2019
Hong Kong scientists develop new 'nano-swarm' robotsCNN4 Sep 2018